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Friday, February 23, 2007
Visi, Misi & Tujuan

Visi :

Unggul dalam proses, Kompetitif dalam lulusan, mulia dalam akhlak

Misi :

  • Meningkatkan pembelajaran dan bimbingan secara profesional
  • Menumbuhkan semangat keunggulan secara intensif kepada seluruh warga sekolah
  • Melaksanakan layanan yang memuaskan
  • Mewujudkan interaksi yang harmonis antara warga sekolah, orang tua dan masyarakat
  • Melaksanakan manajemen partisipatif yang melibatkan seluruh warga sekolah dan stake holder
  • Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas siswa yang diterima diberbagai perguruan tinggi
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa inggris
  • Membentuk mental spiritual siswa yang tangguh berlandaskan iman dan taqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Tujuan :

  • Menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas sehingga dapat melanjutkan pendidikan pada lembaga pendidikan pada lembaga pendidikan tinggi berkualitas.
  • Menghasilkan lulusan yang trampil dan dapat berkarya di masyarakat sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi.
  • Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki budi pekerti luhur berakar pada budaya nasional, budaya daerah dan ajaran agama masing-masing.
  • Menghasilkan lulusan yang mencintai tanah air dan bangsa.
posted by SMAN 2 BEKASI @ 9:31 PM   2 comments
Sejarah berdirinya SMAN 2 BEKASI

Jakarta, sebagai ibu Kota Negara, Kota Metropolitan memiliki daya tarik masyarakat untuk mencari hidup dan mencari penghidupan bagi masyarakat di daerah. Kehadiran mereka di Jakarta menimbulkan permasalahan kependudukan, diantaranya kepadatan penduduk dan kebutuhan akan tempat tinggal. Lahan untuk tempat tinggal di Jakarta, sudah tidak memungkinkan, sehingga daerah di sekitar Bekasi menjadi alternatif penyediaan lahan perumahan. Bekasi sebagai daerah penyangga Ibu Kota menerima dampak tersebut dengan munculnya perumahan-perumahan dan pendatang baru.
Dampak tersebut sangat dirasakan oleh masyarakat Kota Bekasi, salah satu adalah tuntutan untuk penyediaan sarana pendidikan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perkembangan pesatnya penduduk usia sekolah sebagai konsekuensi dari bertambahnya jumlah penduduk akibat urbanisasi, sementara penambahan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan terutama jumlah sekolah tidak seimbang dengan pertumbuhan penduduk.
Angka Partisipasi Kasar di Kabupaten Bekasi pada tahun 1982 rendah, sehingga mendorong Bupati Bekasi, yaitu Bapak Sukomartono mengijinkan kepala Kandepdikbud Kabupaten Bekasi untuk membuka sekolah kelas jauh (filial) bagi SMA. Kebijakan tersebut bertentangan dengan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, karena tidak ada sekolah kelas jauh (filial) bagi SMA.
Menghadapi kondisi demikian Kepala SMA Negeri 1 di Kabupaten Bekasi berinisiatif mempersiapkan untuk membuat sekolah filial SMA Negeri 2, Kepala SMA Negeri 1 membuat persiapan-persiapan yang diperlukan untuk mendirikan sekolah filial. Persiapan awal yang dilakukan adalah lahan yang layak untuk berdirinya sekolah filial disekitar Bekasi Selatan. Pada waktu itu ditawari Perumnas tanahnya cukup memadai seluas 9050 meter persegi, tanah tersebut adalah tanah fasos dan fasum Perumnas. Dengan izin pendirian berdasarkan Daftar Isian Proyek No. 14/XXIII/3/1982 tanggal 11-03-1982, SK Pendirian Mendikbud / tentang pembukaan / peningkatan / penegerian, izin operasional Kepala Bidang Kanwil Depdikbud Propinsi Jawa Barat, izin bangunan; SK Bupati Kepala Daerah Tk. II Bekasi Nomor : 642/SK.337/PUK/1989 tanggal 13-04-1989 sertifikat tanah nomor : 33.626/II/1992, tanggal 16-09-1992 luas bangunan 6600 meter persegi, luas halaman / kebun : 2450 meter persegi, perubahan nama sekolah: pemberlakuan nomerklatur sekolah SMU Negeri 2 Bekasi menjadi SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi dengan surat edaran Kepala Sekolah Nomor : 114/102.7/SMA.04/1997, tanggal 26 Mei 1997 berlaku mulai : 2 Juni 1997.

Sejak berdirinya sampai dengan sekarang SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi sudah mengalami beberapa kali pergantian pimpinan, yaitu :

  • Periode tahun 1982 sampai dengan tahun 1990, Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat rangkap oleh Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi Ny. Siti Bulan Rasyid . Pada periode 1982 sampai 1984 SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi masih menggunakan fasilitas belajar SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi karena bangunan SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi yang terletak dijalan Tangkuban Perahu Perumnas II Bekasi masih dalam proses pembangunan. Pada tahun 1984 Ny. Siti Bulan Rasyid resmi dilantik menjadi Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi sedangkan Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi di Jabat oleh Drs. Maman .
    Dengan telah selesainya pembangunan gedung SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi dan telah definitifnya Kepala Sekolah maka pada tanggal 2 April 1984 SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi hijrah dari induknya di SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi ke gedung baru di Perumnas II bekasi, tanggal hijrahnya SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi dari SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi inilah yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai tanggal hari jadi SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi. Periode ini merupakan periode peletakkan dasar-dasar manajemen, struktur dan kultur pendidikan yang akan dikembangkan di sekolah. Dengan kondisi sekolah yang masih sangat sederhana karena terbatasnya fsilitas dan sarana pembelajaran, Ny. Siti Bulan Rasyid bersama dewan guru dan staf tata usaha berusaha keras melengkapi sarana prarana, struktur dan instrastruktur yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan manajemen sekolah yang baik dan ideal, yang diharapkan pada gilirannya akan menghasilkan output yang baik. Upaya beliau ternyata tidak sia-sia, dalam kurun waktu yang relatif singkat SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi berhasil menjadi sekolah yang cukup diperhitungkan kualitasnya di wilayah Bekasi. Prestasi demi prestasi diraih baik dalam bidang akademis, olaraga maupun kesenian serta bidang-bidang lainnya. Animo masyarakat untuk memasukkan putra-putrinya ke SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi semakin besar maka atas inisiatif Kepala Sekolah dan rekomendasi dari Bupati Kepala Daerah Tingkat II Bekasi, SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi membuka kelas jauh (filial) untuk wilayah Pondok Gede yang bertempat di SMP Negeri 1 Pondok Gede yang kemudian menjadi SMA Negeri 5 Bekasi. Padahal sebelumnya pun SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi ditunjuk untuk menjadi tempat proses KBM siswa SMA Negeri 3 Bekasi gedungnya sedang dalam proses penyelesaian di wilayah Pekayon Bekasi Selatan.

  • Periode 1990 sampai dengan 1994; pada periode ini SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat oleh H.M. Suyud, BA.
    Dibawah kepemimpinannya SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi terus dikembangkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya sesuai dengan tuntutan pemerintah daerah dan harapan masyarakat. Pada periode ini pun minat masyarakat Bekasi untuk memasukkan putra-putrinya ke SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi sangat besar sehingga sehingga pemerintah daerah memberikan rekomendasi kepada SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi untuk membuka filial atau kelas jauh di wilayah Jatiasih yang kemudian menjadi SMA Negeri 6 Bekasi. Peningkatan kualitas SDM digalakkan secara besar-besaran, baik dewan guru maupun staf tata usaha dianjurkan untuk melanjutkan studinya sehingga memenuhi standar kualifikasinya masing-masing.

  • Periode 1994 sampai dengan 1997; Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat Drs. Romli .
    Pada periode ini SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi telah betul-betul menjadi terfavorit kedua setelah SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari semakin besarnya minat masyarakat untuk memasukkan putra-putrinya ke SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi. Atas inisiatif dari masyarakat Bantar Gebang dan berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Wali Kota Bekasi Drs. Nonon Sontani , maka dibukalah kelas jauh SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi untuk wilayah Mustika Sari Kecamatan Bantar Gebang yang kemudian menjadi SMA Negeri 9 Bekasi.

  • Periode 1997 sampai dengan 2000; Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat oleh Drs. H. Muhyiddin, MM, MBA. Pada periode ini mulai diterapkan sistem manajemen berbasis sekolah mengingat SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi ditetapkan sebagai sekolah unggulan di Bekasi. Visi dan Misi sekolah mulai dirumuskan, profesionalisme guru lebih ditingkatkan dengan mengirimkan beberapa tenaga guru untuk mengikuti pendidikan latihan dan penataran baik di tingkat daerah, propinsi maupun pusat. SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi semakin menunjukkan dirinya sebagai salah satu sekolah unggulan di Bekasi. Wajar kalau kemudian banyak guru-guru SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi dipercaya untuk memegang jabatan ketua MGMP ditingkat Kabupaten dan Kota Bekasi, bahkan ada diantaranya yang dipercaya untuk mengurus MGMP di tingkat Propinsi Jawa Barat. Beberapa guru pun ada yang ditetapkan sebagai guru inti oleh Kanwil Depdikbud Jawa Barat. Bahkan ada beberapa sekolah swasta di Bekasi yang kepala sekolahnya dipercayakan kepada guru-guru SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi.Hal ini membuktikan keberhasilan pembinaan kepala sekolah terhadap guru dan staf tata usaha dari periode awal sampai sekarang.
  • Periode 2000 sampai dengan 2004; Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat oleh Hj. Beah Sulbiah, S.Pd. Pada periode ini upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi terus dilakukan antara lain dikuranginya jumlah rombongan belajar kelas 1 dari 11 kelas menjadi 9 kelas dalam rangka memenuhi persyaratan akreditas peningkatan kategori dari tipe B ke tipe A. Diharapkan dalam 3 tahun kedepan hanya ada 1 shift rombongan belajar pagi, tidak ada lagi rombongan belajar siang. Sejak diberlakukannya sistem akreditas nasional dalam bidang pendidikan, pada periode inilah SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi diakreditasi dengan hasil A. SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi adalah satu-satunya SMA di Bekasi yang ditunjuk oleh pusat untuk uji coba pelaksanaan kurikulum 2004 yang berbasis pada kompetensi, wajar kalau kemudian SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi dijadikan sebagai rujukan bagi SMA-SMA lainnya di Bekasi dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2004. Pemahaman dan pemasyarakatan kurikulum 2004 kepada guru dan orang tua murid dilakukan dengan belalui In House Training dan Training On Trainer. Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kurikulum 2004 diadakan penambahan-penambahan fasilitas baru seperti ruang media, laboratorium komputer, sistem komputerisasi dalam administrasi penilaian dan pemasangan jaringan internet.
  • Periode 2004 sampai dengan sekarang, Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi di Jabat oleh Hj. Eha Djulaeha, S.Pd. MM. Pada periode ini semua rombongan belajar telah menggunakan kurikulum 2004. Rombongan belajar pun hanya 1 shif pagi tidak ada rombongan belajar siang. Waktu belajar hanya 5 hari mulai Senin sampai Jum'at, kecuali Kelas XII sampai Sabtu karena adanya tambahan jam belajar. Hari Sabtu pagi Kelas X dan XI digunakan untuk remedial dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Kepala Sekolah yang sekarang bertekad untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja dan profesionalisme guru dan staf tata usaha sehingga akan terjalin mekanisme kerja yang ideal. Pola-pola manajemen lama yang kurang mendukung terhadap pelaksanaan kurikulum 2004 sedikit demi sedikit diganti dengan pola-pola manajemen baru yang lebih demokratis, diskutif dan partisipatif.
posted by SMAN 2 BEKASI @ 9:29 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
History of High School in the world
High school is a name used in some parts of the world, and particularly in North America, to describe the last segment of compulsory education. It is also referred to as secondary education. Secondary education is preceded by primary education, usually known in North America as elementary education. High school is also the name used to describe the institution in which the final stage of compulsory education takes place. In the United States Canada, the term high school is usually synonymous with secondary education. However, in many countries, and especially United KingdomRepublic of Irelandsecondary schools.


High school is a term used for secondary schools in Australia. In Victoria secondary college 1990s, however some of the adult population refer to the period as "high school". In the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania high school is 7-10, and students go to senior school for 11-12.

In some states TAFE institutes/colleges offer high school equivalent courses, usually undertaken by adult students who left school without completing/undertaking Year 12 leaving certificate requirements. There are also private commercial education facilities offering Year 12 leaving certificate courses, often to students wishing to improve on their High School results in order to obtain entry to, or better placement opportunities at, university.

The exact length of secondary schooling varies from state to state, with high schools in New South Wales and Victoria serving years 7-12, and Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia serving years 8-12. In 2007 Northern Territory is introducing a Middle School system for years 7-9 and high school will be years 10-12.

It is compulsory to attend school until the age of fifteen in all states and territories except for South Australia and Tasmania, where attendance is compulsory until age 16. In Western Australia the age has recently been raised to 16 and will be 17 from 2008.

The matter of compulsory attendance has been complicated by various initiatives at Commonwealth and State level to ensure that young people are in school, training or employment. There are calls to replace compulsory attendance age with compulsory achievement requirements, meaning that students must complete their final year level rather than being able to leave at reaching "leaving age". There are also calls to make attendance to the end of year 12 mandatory.


Secondary schooling in Canada differs depending on the province in which one resides. High schools (sometimes called secondary schools) generally begin from grade 9 through 12 and generally have a set up similar to that in the United States. In Vancouver, Canada, high schools are from grades 8 to 12. However in Quebec, high school is from Secondary 1 to Secondary 5 (grades 7 to 11[1]). In Quebec most students follow high school by attending a CÉGEP, which is comparable to a two-year junior college and is obligatory for Quebec students wishing to go on to university in Quebec. Vocational CÉGEP is three years. Education in Canada is compulsory up to the age of 16. Students may continue to attend high school until the ages of 21 (the cut-off age for high school). In Canada, those 19 and over may attend adult school.

Originally in Canada schools were divided by religion, although most provinces abolished these. Provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, and certain cities in Saskatchewan are exceptions, publicly funded by a separate school board. Quebec has replaced the system with a French/English system in 1998. Quebecois must attend a French school up until the end of high school unless one of their parents previously attended an English-language school somewhere in Canada (immigrants from other countries cannot use this exception). High schools can also be offered in French in Ontario.


In India, high school as such does not exist: instead, grades IX and X form part of a formal contingent course ending in the respective board examinations, like the ICSE or CBSEor state board like SSLC. Based on these results, students select combinations of various subjects to be studied in much greater detail for their grade XII examinations, like the ISC.

In India, Grades I to X are studied in a formal school, with uniform and all After Class X, one is a Matriculate.

Classes XI and XII are normally done in a College. - Jr College After Class XII, one is an Undergraduate.

Three more years in a Sr College leads to Graduation.


Japanese high school students wearing the sailor fuku
Japanese high school students wearing the sailor fuku

The Japanese word for a high school is kōtōgakkō (高等学校; literally high school), or kōkō (高校) in short. High school in Japan covers grades 10 through 12, and it is not mandatory. Most Japanese pupils attend high school. High schools in Japan are referred to by MEXT as "upper secondary schools." However most English-language newspapers and sources use the term "high school". Many school boards also use "high school"; for instance the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education uses "senior high school".

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

In South Korea, students from grades 10 through 12 attend high schools. A student may choose, however, the class he or she wishes to take for liberal arts. High schools in South Korea may also have subject specialty tracks. For example, university-bound students may choose to go to an academic science or foreign language specialty high school (Hangul:인문계 고등학교;Revised:Inmun-Gyae godeung hakgyo) ; while other students may choose a vocational track high school which emphasizes agriculture, commerce, or technical trade curricula (Hangul:실업계 고등학교;Revised:'Sil-ub Gyae godeung hakgyo)

High schools are called 고등학교 (Revised: godeung hakgyo; McCune-Reischauer: kodŭng hakkyo), meaning high school.


The secondary education in Taiwan includes junior high school, senior high school, vocational high school, military school, and complete high school. The traditional secondary education institutions were established in "Japanese colonial time." Today, they include many features from the United States.

After six years in elementary school, the rules state that children must enter junior high school, or their parents may be fined. There are three grades in junior high. Children who achieve the third grade can choose to enter senior high school, vocational high school, or complete high school. If children want to continue their formal education, they must sit for an exam. Generally speaking, the grade to enter high school and complete high school is highest, while it is lower to go on to vocational high school and military school.

Senior high school has three grades. Graduates from senior high school often continue on to university. Vocational high school has three grades as well. Children who complete vocational high school can then enter a technological university. Complete high school is like that of American high schools, in that it has grades seven to grade twelve.

There are also international schools such as Taipei American School (TAS) and Taipei British School (TBS). These schools are from grade 1 to grade 12. English is spoken during all courses. Since the curriculum concurs with the corresponding country's curriculum, graduates from these international schools generally do not stay in Taiwan for their undergraduate degree.

South Africa

In South Africa, high school begins at Grade 8 (the eighth year of education). Students study for five years, at the end of which they write what is known as "matric" (officially the Senior Certificate to be changed to the National Senior Certificate in 2008) If enough passes are attained on the higher grade (subjects can be on either a Higher or Standard grade), they may progress on to university.

An alternative examination is possible in the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams. They are set up by a board, representing many private schools.

United Kingdom

Main article: Education in the United Kingdom

There are many different types of secondary school in the UK and some such schools, especially in Scotland and the north-west of England, are known as high schools. However, in the UK the term high school is used only for the naming of some schools and is never used as a synonym for secondary school or secondary education. In the county of Leicestershire, the label of High School in fact applies to a small group of Middle schools accepting pupils between the ages of 10 and 14, before moving on to their final stage of secondary education.

United States

In the United States, high schools generally consist of grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, although the inclusion of grade 9 varies by school district. A student that is not initially enrolled in a pre-kindergarten class will generally graduate from high school in the year of their 18th birthday if they were born between January 1 and August 31, but this varies by state depending on the kindergarten cut-off date, which ranges from August 1 in Missouri to January 1 in Connecticut [2]. A few American schools still incorporate grades 7 through 12, but it is usually either grades 9-12 or grades 10-12. For purposes of the GPA and subject requirements used for college admission, grade 9 is usually considered the first year of high school regardless of whether the student is in the last year of a 7-9 junior high program, or the first year of a 9-12 high school program. While high school is generally defined as being grades 9-12, there are some senior high schools that cover only grades 10-12, and typically accept students from a junior high school that includes grades 7-9. Some states consider grades 7-12 to be secondary education, while others consider grades 6-12 to be secondary education.

Previous to attending a high school or senior high school, students attend a junior high school (usually grades 7-9), a middle school (usually grades 5-8. 6-8. or 7-8), or an elementary school (usually grades K-6), which may also be known as a grammar school. Individual states, counties, and school districts have considerable leeway in how they choose to divide their school levels.

About 90% of American students complete high school, however in some cities the graduation rate is much lower (such as in Santa Ana and Los Angeles, California, where less than 50% of students graduate), and in some much higher (such as Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with a graduation rate of 99%). [3] [4] A high school diploma or GED certificate is usually required for entrance into a two or four-year college or university and to other post-secondary education programs.

As a practical matter, while laws in most states mandate school attendance at least until graduation or age 16, many require attendance until age 17 or 18. (However, enforcement of truancy laws is sporadic.) Conversely, students who have failed a grade may remain in high school past the age of 18. In general, students over 18 attend alternative classes to receive a GED. State laws vary on the cut-off age for students to receive free public education services. Many states have adult high schools for people generally 19 and over.

posted by SMAN 2 BEKASI @ 8:49 PM   1 comments
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